Volatility in contact center providers is nothing new. Since the break up of ‘Ma Bell we have seen start up’s grow into large corporations, and some of the corporations failed to continue to innovate, so they went the way of Worldcom. Although Worldcom had a lot more problems than innovation, that is a story for another day.
Over the past five years, we have seen an influx of innovation fueled by advances in AI that has left some legacy players scrambling to keep up. One of the biggest concerns we hear is “will our platform be functional in 2 years?” This is a fair question and lately, the focus has been on Avaya in light of recent announcements and uncertainty about the ability to thrive in the world of cloud communications.
If you are feeling like you may be in a game of musical chairs with your current platform, just know you are not alone, you have options, at InflowCX we have been through this before and most of all you have a partner you can trust through the process.
If Cloud Isn’t An Option For Your Contact Center Platform You Should Worry
Even if you are happy with your premise-based communication solution, if there isn’t a cloud version available you should be worried. Cloud is here, those companies that chose to ignore or prepare for that fact are now struggling to keep up. The reality is most won’t, if there isn’t a viable cloud solution by now there most likely won’t be one.
One of the quick short-sighted solutions is partnering with a traditional cloud provider to bring a solution to market. This feels more like an arranged marriage than a partnership for the most part. These serve as a bridge between solutions at best, a way to squeeze a little extra life out of the old system before it goes away.
100% of innovation is focused on the cloud. All of the R&D, innovation, new features, support, and staffing are focused on the cloud and CCaaS. When it comes to new ideas or evolution of platforms, there is nothing being done for premise-based systems.
Where To Start When Your Platform’s Future Is Uknown
You could google and search for solutions, and end up confused. Or a more efficient path is to start with a consultation with someone like InflowCX. Our experience has guided customers through similar situations. Recently with Shoretel being acquired by Mitel, we helped guide customers through their options.
When you start your journey with the manufacturer or directly with the platform provider you get one very narrow view of the possibilities. Of course, their solution is going to be the one they feel is best. However, it may be best for them and not you.
Our unique approach has always been to be brand agnostic, we have one solution in mind: the one that is best for you. Most of the time that is combining several solutions into one because that is what you deserve. Every company is unique, and there are so many innovative solutions that can enhance company culture, empower remote workers, increase productivity, and more.
Step 1 Of Your Communications Plan: Have A Plan (We Can Help With That)
Yes, the future is uncertain for several traditional staples of the contact centers world, however, that does not mean it should be for you & your company. The first step is to have a plan, and without knowing options that is something better done with experts at your disposal.
Having a scorecard and analysis of your current state brings out a fair amount of information that needs to be acknowledged. Having an outside perspective helps, and also fosters discussions that may have been a long time coming. IT Directors work hard with what they are given, having that technology roadmap and how a CCaaS solution fits into that roadmap is one of the many considerations.
This is the time to partner with InflowCX, we listen to understand, not sell. We believe in people, processes, and technology. The most important part of that equation always will be people. Let’s talk with our team and see how we can bring some clarity to your situation.