There are a lot of things you can control that help retain that valuable talent and experience within your contact center. Sometimes the answer really is that simple, and here you will find some simple easy to implement strategies that enhance the agent experience while keeping your best agents where they belong, with you!
Embrace The Hybrid Contact Center
Have you asked your agents where they prefer to do their best work and more importantly WHY? When it comes to the reasons people like working from home everyone has their own. For some, it is the commute. Not having a commute even for those who are in the office half-time or hybrid agents can save an average of $4,000 annually. That includes necessities like gas, car maintenance, wardrobe, lunches, snacks and so much more. That is a real cost saving for most in the contact center.
A mutual benefit of embracing the hybrid contact center is the increase in productivity when working from home. fewer interruptions, less office politics, a quieter noise level, and less (or more efficient) meetings. Something we have heard from agents is a more engaging Customer Experience since there is no one else listening to the conversation at the next desk. Being able to concentrate on the customer and their needs with no distractions at home is the catalyst to that experience.
Deploy Agent Enablement Tools From Five9
Your most talented agents should be using their skills to create memorable experiences for your customers. That is not a secret, however, one of the biggest frustrations for top agents is repetitive tasks that can be handled through AI, Intelligent Virtual Agents, or a combination of tools available in the contact center.
Five9 offers an Intelligent Virtual Agent solution that is on par with live people and can provide data that a live call never could. Repetitive orders, setting appointments, account balances, and other mundane tasks are what drive your most talented agents away. They want to be challenged not given the same thing over and over, so let’s alleviate the frustration for your top talent and gain valuable insights all at the same time by deploying IVA.
Utilize Top Contact Center Coaching With Observe.ai
Your best agents want to be coached and have the drive to get better. They also know when they are receiving the same cookie-cutter feedback from your QA team. Your QA team wants to deliver valuable coaching insights to help your agents grow however they just don’t have the time needed to go as deep as they need to provide the right feedback.
This is where Observe.ai delivers as they have thrown away the generic “one size fits all” coaching that talented agents can see through. Automated coaching recommendations bring to light the skill, knowledge or overall gap on your QA forms so that your Quality Assurance team can go even deeper on the feedback.
Think if you could make your top agents even better at what they do? The assumption is that top agents don’t need as much attention because of their skill level, the opposite is actually true. Spending more time with them makes the entire contact center experience better. Your top agents are usually your mentors, your field generals that the team depends on for accurate answers to difficult questions.
Genesys’ Agent Assist Is A Contact Center Agents’ Best Friend
If you have ever had the pleasure of watching Pop Up Video on VH1 back when music TV channels actually played music, then you understand the value of having information pop up. Well, Genesys Agent Assist is exactly like Pop Up Video however with actual useful information as your agent converses with your customer.
When an agent is trying to search for information while actively listening to the customer something has to give, the quality of the listening or the answer. Genesys Agent Assist provides a real-time transcription of the conversation, provides FAQs, knowledge base articles & suggestions based on the conversation.
Simply by implementing Genesys Agent Assist we have alleviated the following:
- Taking a note that summarizes the call
- Possibly placing the customer on hold while searching for the answer
- Risking the customer feeling like we are not engaged with the conversation
Investing In Agent Enablement Gets Noticed In Your Contact Center
Your agents take note and highlight the steps you take to make their lives better so they can deliver an exceptional Customer Experience that can attract top talent to your company. Now is the time to invest in your people, and as a top contact center consultant, we can help you identify how to maximize that investment.
At Inflow we face the same challenges as you, we would love the opportunity to speak with you about your business, your contact center, and how to retain top talent.