You Will Be Using Microsoft Teams In One Form Or Another
Microsoft Teams continues to take on market share and has become part of office vocabulary. “Hopping on a Teams call” is synonymous with Zoom, and there is no sign of that slowing down. What Microsoft wants, Microsoft usually gets and they are coming for your phone system.
Using Microsoft Teams as your Unified Communication platform is a thing and something we have had more questions about in the last 6 months than any other time. We would suggest that you get acclimated to Teams and explore what all you can do with it, maybe even attend a webinar or two hosted by Inflow to get your skills up.
Video Collaboration Will Grow In The Hybrid Office
Two years ago having a video conference with people inside your own office would be met with some odd looks. Now, not so much. Having a video conference from your desk instead of messing around with clunky technology in the conference room is more convenient and comfortable, allowing people to work when they are not needed.
The amount of time that was wasted in an office setting has been exposed, and companies fully recognize those inefficiencies. Conference rooms will be more open at least in the short term, so prepare yourself in the hybrid office to have a video call from your desk, with colleagues both near and far.
Zoom Is Coming For Your Office, Your Contact Center, And Everything Else
The Contact Center Wars continue, and as the line between Contact Center and Unified Communications continues to blur your office will benefit. Zoom Phone is a viable solution for your business and they are coming for the Contact Center as well.
To us, this is a beautiful thing, when outside players come into an industry they see it through a different lens, and Zoom Phone delivers big on agent and customer experience. Our industry and the consolidation that has happened over the last decade has resulted in complacency. Having players like Zoom acquire Five9 has proven that the Contact Center is going to innovate at a pace we have never seen, so get ready for some pretty cool features.
Your Office Coffee Will Still Be Terrible
While companies are investing in technology at a very rapid rate, your office coffee will see absolutely no improvement, in fact, it will get worse. Then those same companies will wonder why people want to work from home with their Nespresso machines!
Creating a welcoming environment that gives employees a reason to come back to the office is important, however, don’t expect any Starbucks Baristas in your breakroom. Sorry, we just want to level-set expectations!
Customer Expectations For Convenience Have Never Been Higher
Customer experience during the pandemic, and being treated like human beings, not numbers are something that your customers grew accustomed to. Having the right partner in place to audit how you deliver on those expectations has never been more important than right now.
Getting the most out of your solution, optimizing and enhancing how you approach customer experience, all of this is what we do. If you have questions on how to navigate the hybrid world because you know it is here to stay, let’s talk. We can’t help with your coffee, however, most everything else we certainly can!